četvrtak, 20. lipnja 2013.

ROOT Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Rooting may void the warranty of the device.
What you need
  1. You need to have the Samsung USB drivers installed on your system. You get them if you install the KIES software for example.
  2. You need the Galaxy Note 2 Root package that includes Odin. It is designed for Windows.
  3. An USB cable that connects the phone to the PC.
The rooting
  1. Press the Volume, Home and Power buttons at the same time. The screen flashes once as you will take a screenshot. Hold it down until you get to a warning page.
  2. Press the volume up key to continue from this point on. This sets the phone to download mode which is needed to load data on the phone.
  3. Connect the device to the PC via an USB cable.
  4. Open the directory you have extracted the root package into. Start the odin3 program.
  5. Here you should see one yellow com box next to all the white boxes at the top. If you do, your phone is connected properly, if not, disconnect your phone and connect it again.  You should also make sure that the drivers are installed correctly.
  6. Select PDA and load the larger tar file in the same directory.
  7. Click on the start button afterwards.
  8. The process completes without your doing from that moment on. Your phone should restart automatically, and you should see an installation dialog during boot where the superuser app and binaries are installed on it.
  9. A new superuser app is added to your phone that you can launch.
To test that this is working, try and install a root app from Google Play on the phone, for instanceRoot Validator.
samsung galaxy note ii root
If you have root, you should receive a superuser prompt when you click on the do I have root button that the app displays in its interface.
Rooting your Android phone is not a complex operation anymore, provided that you have the right application package for the job. The big advantage that you now have is that you have given yourself additional rights. This enables you to install apps that require additional privileges among other things.

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